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Country Access Template option for geo-blocking.

Updated over 8 months ago

💡 You can restrict access to your content by country using the video access settings. You can use them to turn off/on access to your content in certain locations.

To create a new template click «Create template» in the upper right corner of the page.

In a new window, create the name for the template and choose an access type (allow or restrict to publish videos in certain countries).

Choose your countries in a pop-up window and click «Save» to save your preferences.

You can choose a template that will be applied by default to new videos and videos without any templates by changing Default template.

After template is ready, you can use it menus such as, Creating Video, Stream, Collections and when creating a new Product.

Applying template to prices

When your template is finished it's time to apply it when creating/editing your PPV/Subscription product.

  1. Create or edit your product

  2. Click on Add Price

  3. Change Country Access Template to the one you created.

Here is the example on how the Geoblock setting might look like for you.

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